Tuesday, January 5, 2010

". . . don't let the sound of your wheels make you crazy."
Take it Easy - the Eagles

I'm being drawn to meditating again. This has been a good way, each morning, to start the day --listening to the sound in my head. Bypassing the raging opinions and observations that cannot be put aside: work contradictions; personal explorations; little plaids for a quilt in the studio; and the smallest,dear, big horn deer -- a spirit perhaps for Dr. Berry, thanking her for her dedication to those little furry things.

Those things pack-full the time in my head. But, for that little time each morning where I claim a calmness and the zen of emptiness will enable an unobstructed avenue leading to choices towards my remaining 20 years. So long; yet so short to accomplish what was born in me to do.

Friday, December 25, 2009

it can always be spring

Even in dead winter, it can always be spring. A Hancock window in deep winter -- with spring flowers thriving on the window sill -- the hope of spring to come. This is a philosophical statement of the owner of the kitchen. It will come; and there is beauty in the winter; in the now.

Individually we must remember this -- that the spring will come; the better -- the best will come; even in the depth of the coldest and darkest day.

Merry Christmas.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

dancing in the rain

So prophetic -- like many 'sayings' around making the best of what you have --finding the silver lining in even the darkest day, etc. This approach is so easy for some and utterly impossible for others. Will a saying on the wall --help as a reminder to put yourself back into another frame of mind? What is the trick of those who can do this so easily -- just like breathing in-and-out.

'Storm' --> 'dancing'.

I'm sure that it always works better that way. Can you change all habits in 21 days of practice?

Act as if. . . and then it is!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

purpose • my life’s work

Enabling access to and participation in creativity [arts and culture] as essential parts of personal and community life.

I need to move to action at home in more direct ways --my own community is calling. And, lo and behold, this charge applies to me personally as well! My workaholic ways can easily distance me from personal involvements that make deep personal connections and practice my own artistry exposing the inner Julianne.

To enable is to supply with the means, knowledge, or opportunity to do something; to make happen. For me and for others.

I want to:
-be a helper; enabler; facilitator
-create beauty; to be an artist
-transform --imbue* [a newly found and magical word from FrankLee]
-alter through experience and words
*imbue to permeate or pervade as to dye or stain deeply
adapted from Shannon thoughts and insights, 2004

digging as symbolic of renewal

Creating and maintaing edges
--in the earth: ground covers, perennials, grasses and small shrubs;
--in the museum: unearthing details, conceptualizing andshaping them; going for the long view

Even gardners sometimes don’t understand what I’m talking about at first. My digging is an analogy/metaphor for renewal.

Digging joins intention, process and product together.
A never ending cycle [brushing teeth].
Renewal then is a purposeful action, a creative adventure, and escape/flow

In wonderment this can reach a place where time and space evaporate;
where insight, innovation and creativity emerge into a beautiful and ever changing place.

The process is physical and energetic, and intention emerges from and directs the whole.

INSTRUCTIONS: assess yourself against this measure:
-Place yourself – at this time, in this place
-When responses rest to the right – take action to correct.
-When responses rest to the left – ponder a bit.
-Here, left is right!

balanced • • • • • • • weighted
invigorated • • • • • • • exhausted
eager • • • • • • • absent
engaged • • • • • • • static
authentic • • • • • • • counterfeit


Juggling--keeping it all 'in the air'.

Imagine a postal scale -- hanging on a silver chain. Even a feather disrupts the balance.

Maybe balance is not the goal -- maybe variety and rotating and diversity make it rich.

Balancing everything that has to be kept in motion: projects, communications, family, love, artwork, loving the pets. . . feeding them; and he; and me. Lights on the tree; holiday glee (isn't that a new tv program?)

change as the constant
We grow up not thinking about it but living it.
We 'settle-in' because we think settling is where we wanted to be.

Flow is the creative place, the space that never changes
-- yet constantly evolves & innovates.